Ammar Saheli

Ammar Saheli was born and raised in San Francisco and has seamlessly integrated the worlds of education, theology, and social justice. In addition to being a trained educator and clinician, he is a fiery and passionate gospel preacher, who loves the Lord and serving humanity. Dr. Saheli has served as Minister of the West Oakland Church of Christ for the past 18 years and preached his first sermon at the young age of twelve. During the summers of 2005 and 2007 Dr. Saheli went on transformative missionary journeys to Akwatia, Ghana. In a very unique way, Ammar has bridged his theological, educational, and clinical skills into a powerful package and his book Eerie Silence: Race/Racism Explored Across Educational, Theological, and Justice Continuums Amidst America and Beyond, is a result of such harmonious skill linkage. In addition to serving in the capacity of Ministering Evangelist, Ammar Saheli is a Director of Student Support Services in a Bay Area School District (11 years) and CEO of Saheli7 Educational Consulting (13 years), where he conducts workshops and professional developments across California and beyond. Educationally Ammar is passionate and proficient  in the conceptions and implementation techniques related to equity, cultural competence, cultural responsiveness, unconscious/implicit bias, Restorative Practices/Restorative Justice, and instructional strategies related to critical pedagogy.