About TLC

TLC dreams of creating:
  • A system that uses disaggregated data to determine actionable steps to support student achievement
  • A system that creates leaders who are experts at removing barriers to success and focuses on increasing the skills of  those they lead while simultaneously decreasing stress
  • A system that removes fear and blame, so we can become vulnerable enough to learn from each other
  • A system that integrates a growth mindset to empower our young people to rise above the ordinary and dream the extraordinary
  • A system that builds partnerships within our communities to stand with us in cultivating a spirit of excellence and resilience
To create such systemic change, we have to focus on two areas: implementation infrastructure and relationship development. Research tells us that if an expert leadership team is not leading the system change, then the results of any given program or initiative will be 14% implementation success in 17 years. However, with effective leadership and an effective implementation infrastructure successful transformation can occur with 80% success in 3 years. Why would we do it any other way? We also know that to be a true change agent, leaders must build authentic relationships and this requires attending to the minds and hearts of those that need to be changed.
In the famous words of President Barack Obama, “change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” And we here at TLC believe the Time is Now.

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